Stay ahead of downtime with our monitoring service
Get real-time alerts and insights to prevent website or app downtime.
Proactive monitoring for uninterrupted online services
Upmoni's proactive monitoring allows you to stay on top of potential issues before they turn into costly downtime. Our uninterrupted monitoring ensures that your online services are always up and running, keeping your customers happy and your business thriving.
Global monitoring
Our servers are geographically distributed, providing comprehensive monitoring coverage to detect region-specific issues and ensure optimal performance for your services.
SSL certificate monitoring
Keep your website secure and running smoothly with our SSL certificate monitoring feature, which checks the validity and expiration dates of your certificates and alerts you when it's time to renew.
Customizable maintenance windows
Schedule maintenance periods for services with customizable maintenance windows to prevent false alerts and unnecessary notifications.
Our extra features to take your monitoring to the next level
10-second monitoring
With our 10-second interval checks, you can ensure maximum control and visibility over your services' performance.
Track HTTP performance
Our monitoring service records the time spent on each stage of the last requests made to your service from different locations, providing you with valuable insights to improve your service performance.
Simplify incident tracking
Track and manage incidents with ease. Stay on top of your incidents with detailed information like start/end times, affected server location, and status, and simplify your tracking process with our monitoring service.
Save more with Upmoni
Uptime monitoring
Hosted status pages
- 100 Monitors
- 15 Status Pages
- 5 Teammates
Uptime monitoring
Hosted status pages
- 125 Monitors
- 125 Status Pages
- 10 Teammates
- Built-in Uptime Monitoring
- Branded Status Pages
- Beautiful User Interface